Learn from the Best! Watch Mayo Clinic Conference "Wound Care Symposium" for Free
Let's be honest: in your day-to-day practice, wound care probably isn't your most thought about dilemma. It's so common that almost nothing surprises you, and yet it's very time-consuming.
That's why we're sharing our online Mayo Clinic conference, "Wound Care Symposium" for free – to take these cases and make them more enjoyable. Watch complimentary, thought-evoking discussions and demonstrations on wound care to spice up your day-to-day practice.
Here are 5 Video Lectures on Wound Care You can Watch on GIBLIB! Click on one or all the links to start watching.
Ostomy, Fistula, ITD, IAD: Pressure Injury Wound Care
Amanda R. Curwick, R.N., CWON, a wound care nurse, discusses ostomy and peristomal skin complications. Nicole A. Jirsa, R.N., COCN, CCCN, a wound care nurse, describes fistula pouching basics and wound management. Sarah J. Walker R.N., a wound care nurse, describes appropriate treatments and interventions to be a variety of skin conditions.
Learning Objectives: Recall the basic steps of pouching system change; Identify pouching system adaptations as they relate to irregularities in stoma profile and skin; Identify appropriate interventions for peristomal skin irritation and breakdown; Identify pouching options for fistula management; Recall the basic application of a wound manager for fistula management; Identify the following skin conditions: Pressure Injuries, Incontinence Associated Dermatitis, Intertrigo dermatitis, Friction Injuries, Skin Tears; Recall the appropriate treatment and interventions for the above skin conditions
Negative Pressure Wound VAC Therapy & Wound Dressing: Which Dressing Should You Use?
Ann L. Leland, APRN, CNP, DNP, Director of NP/ PA Services for Trauma-Critical Care-General Surgery will describe dressing types and which one should be used for which wound. Stacey L. Zimmerman, APRN, CNP, an Advance Practice Nurse for Trauma-Critical Care-General Surgery discusses Negative Pressure Wound therapy.
Learning objectives: Recall basic steps of pouching system change; Identify pouching system adaptations as they relate to irregularities in stoma profile and skin; Identify appropriate interventions for peristomal skin irritation and breakdown; Identify indications for negative pressure wound therapy; Discuss three types of negative pressure wound therapies; Identify ways to troubleshoot negative pressure wound therapy alarms; Demonstrate negative pressure wound therapy application.
Types of Debridements: Bedside & Surgical
Kevin Elker, APRN, ACNS-BS, CWCN, an advanced practice nurse at the Federal Medical Center in Rochester, MN, will discuss wound-related debridement associated with bedside nursing. Brianna M. Skrukrud, APRN, C.N.P., a Clinical nurse practitioner with Trauma-Critical Care-General Surgery will discuss which patients need surgical debridement and the techniques used in the operating room.
Learning Objectives: Recognize when to consider sharp debridement as a treatment option for wound management; Verbalize two indications for debridement and two contraindications to debridement; List key elements for documentation of sharp debridement; List examples of why sharp debridement is performed in the operating room; Discuss which patients need surgical debridement in the operating room; Describe sharp surgical debridement techniques used in the operating room.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Wound Specialist: ESTEM, Pulsatile Lavage, Mist Therapy
Marlene J. Einertson, P.T., D.P.T., CWS; Randi Privette, P.T., D.P.T., WS; and Nicole E. Waner, P.T., D.P.T., Physical Therapists with the department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, describe the use of ESTEM, Pulsatile Lavage, and Mist Therapy.
Learning objectives: Name three of the therapeutic technologies available to assist in wound healing; Describe the cellular indications for use of each of the technologies presented; Describe the contraindications for each.
Casting and Compression - Wound Demo
Danielle T. Vlazny, P.A.-C, M.S. performs live demonstrations of how to apply total contact casts and compression. First total contact casting was discussed with a review of indications and contraindications with an overview followed by a live demonstration of casting. After that was a discussion of the goals of compression for edema including types of wraps followed by a demonstration of use of low stretch and high stretch Ace bandages.
Learning objectives: Live demo for your visualization of how to apply a total contact cast, with specific use of the MedE-Kast Ultra system; Live compression live demonstration as well.
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